Evidence-based complementary therapies:

Rapid Release Energy Psychologies

Acupressure Meridian Tapping - A new Paradigm Thought Field Therapy (TFT) & Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) represent Acupressure Meridian Tapping Thought Field Therapy (TFT) & Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are the new paradigm in therapy whereby the client simply thinks about, visualizes, remembers the trauma, abuse, misunderstanding, accident, illness, person, place thing, event or whatever that represents the problem) the therapist then guides them in stimulating specific meridian points while the therapist offers a dialogue to be stated while each tapping point is stimulated. This process is repeated until the problem is resolved, managed, released, over or at lease greatly reduced.

TAT by stimulating the forehead and occipital ridge the client thinks about their problem until it is dissolved.

Psy-K these techniques help bring about balance and closure to the problem/s the client cane into therapy with that day.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy - This Rapid Eye Movement process uses specific affirmations, time frames, visualizations, etc. to aid the client in releasing any and all attachments they have created to keep them safe or simply to survive initially but are really damaging to them today. Most issues will resolve in about 4 sessions.

Reiki - Healing Touch - Pranic Healing - Touch for Health
All the above are clothes on energy healing approaches. Reiki and Healing Touch have gained acceptance in the medical field. Touch for Health comes from the chiropractic profession but has nothing to do with typical chiropractic bone adjustments.

Pranic Healing is energy healing practice or hands on healing.
All work for pain management, stress reduction, anxiety reduction, bringing calm in the face of a trauma response, psychological problem solving etc.

Auricular acupuncture is especially effective in reducing cravings, helping insomnia, anxiety, depression, ADD and helps to heal the organs of the body that have been damaged by drugs or alcohol. It has proven to increase the body's natural production of endorphins and aid in the alcohol addiction recovery process.

We use another 5 point process for pain management - Sympathetic, Shen men, Kidney, Liver, Lung.

Chakra Balancing

for clarity, balance, increase one's power to demonstrate change, releasing the hold of one's rigid rules/beliefs/behaviors, open up to creativity & possibility, balance one's self-esteem & personal power, heart love/compassion, expression/manifestation, pay attention to your inner voice -intuition, connecting with your concept of God/Great Spirit etc.

The Silva Method

Mediation techniques for empowerment, imagery, manifestation I got trained in this process in 1980 and have continued my training ever sense. Simple techniques to improve one's memory, resolve problem areas in one's life, overcome call reluctance, goal achievement, setting and maintaining boundaries and overcoming addictive disorders. I used some of these ideas in my book Being Smoke-Free is Your Choice.

The Work by Byron Katie & (SMART Recovery) Self-Management and Recovery Training

A practical use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy clearing negative, challenging and changing one's self-defeating core beliefs, go against your old established self.

Auricular Acupuncture

is a 6,000-year-old Chinese Medicine procedure. The 5points were chosen for the initial purpose of being an inexpensive way to help crack, heroin, nicotine, alcohol, opiate users detoxify. This acupuncture protocol was developed and perfected at Lincoln Hospital in New York. There are 5 designated points that correspond to body organs, which are stimulated to attenuate, elevate the cravings and withdrawal symptoms experienced by addicts during stages of withdrawal. It has since been discovered these same points help clients suffering from PTSD, other traumas, anxiety, shingles, some headache relief, tension, muddled thinking and more.

  • Sympathetic
  • Shen men
  • Kidney
  • Liver
  • Lung

Auricular acupuncture is especially effective in reducing cravings, resolving PTSD, traumas, fears, helping insomnia, anxiety, depression, ADD and helps to heal the organs of the body that have been damaged by drugs or alcohol. It has proven to increase the body's natural production of endorphins and aid in the chemical and behavioral addiction recovery process.

The military developed a 5-point process for subduing chronic pain for military personal in combat with serious injuries using very small acupuncture "darts" that stay in the ear until they fall out, about 5-7 days, then they are reinserted. It works fast.