We also use and refer to the various proven aftercare support groups:

  • Those Affected by Living with Addiction, Abuse, Trauma and Grief GoFundMe page
  • Family, couples, individual therapy
  • Contact your local Al-Anon, Ala-Teen or other twelve-step program family group
  • Explore one or more of the 250 known variations of twelve-step groups
  • Discover or Return to your Church of Choice
  • Enroll in Access Consciousness
  • Enroll in The Silva Method
  • Study about - Prayer and Meditation
  • Read about - Mindfulness
  • Enroll in a Yoga Class
  • Read - The Works of Dr. David Hawkins
  • Read - The One Command
  • Explore a Sweat Lodge
  • Explore - The Medicine Wheel
  • Explore - Vision Quest
  • Contact - The Forum
  • Contact - More to Life
  • Contact - The Sedona Method
  • Read - The Work by Byron Katie
  • Explore - Therapeutic Massage
  • Contact a Reiki Master
  • Contact a Healing Touch Practitioner
  • Contact a Touch for Health Practitioner
Woman practicing yoga

Non-12 step support groups

Non-12 step support groups with live or internet meetings. FYI all support group programs work great for all the people who identify with and work the programs.

Here is a partial list.

Non-12 step support groups with live or internet meetings. FYI all support group programs work great for all the people who identify with and work the programs. Here is a partial list.

SMART Recovery
A powerful cognitive behavioral approach that helps the client challenge and change their negative self-defeating core beliefs.

Rational Recovery
Rational Recovery is an abstinence-based recovery approach that is the "antithesis and irreconcilable arch-rival of Alcoholics Anonymous."

Women For Sobriety
WFS, founded in 1976 by Jean Kirkpatrick, is an organization and self-help program for women alcoholics.