Our Mission

The Mission of the Council is to provide mental, physical, emotional, financial and sexual healing and mental healthcare to the families, community and business people suffering from the effects of living with or have lived with perscription and illegal alcohol/drug addiction and/or the behavioral addictions (sex, porn, gambling, spending, food, eating, work, excitement, activity, drama, etc., co-dependency, unresolved grief from death and non-death related losses, incest, abuse, trauma & PTSD.

We also provide outpatient care to those suffering from all the above mentioned addictive dysfuncional behaviors.

Since I began my personal recovery and professional career development in this field in 1973, I have come to see treating all addictive, co-dependent disorders as basically the same. The addict or co-dependent is looking for something outside themselves to medicate, push down, the feelings on their insides. A goal of treatment is to help the addict and co-dependent stop their habitual acting out behavior/s. For Those Affected the goal is for them to accept that it is their response to the dysfunctional persons behaviors that causes them the most trouble in their lives. When they understand this they can begin their recovery. We use a variety of therapeutic strategies to break through the denial, minimization, rationalization, blaming used by the addict and Those Affected by the addictive and co-dependent dysfunctional behavior.

The FACTS of their lives don't change but the internal personalization and representation of them does.

The truth sets people free.

I see shame as the primary feeling underlying all addictive and c-dependent behavior. Shame is a belief about self that is limiting and says "I'm not enough, I will never be enough, no matter what I do I can't measure up, therefore that is the proof I need to validate my absolute unshakeable belief that I'm not enough.

My simplistic definition of addiction is ones pathological drive to refuse to be in a healthy, honest, relationship with self or others. I define co-dependency as ones loss of sense of self. To accomplish this they use whatever is necessary (alcohol, drugs, sex, porn, masturbation, being in or out of relationships, rage, activity, love, anxiety, internet, food, gambling, spending, money issues, accidents, illness, panic attacks etc.) to bury, mask, hide, disown, distort, deny any or all feelings of connection to self or others. Addiction replaces people, places, things and events with an interaction with chemicals or behaviors that lead to life damaging consequences. Co-dependency replaces the persons relationship with self with a/the relationship to people around them.

I loved it when Stanton Peele said in "The Addicting of America" "the most common form of treatment for addiction is addiction".

  • Process addictions include (sexual addiction, compulsive spending, pathological gambler, rage, love and relationship addiction, compulsive eating, smoking cessation, workaholism etc.
  • Then there is the traditional addiction to prescription and non-prescription drugs (it is not how often or what one uses it is what happens to them when they do use) that defines addiction
  • The addict's and alcoholics affected family members
  • Bereaved people suffering from death and non-death related losses
  • Survivors of physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, financial, war, terrorism, trauma and abuse

We will refer the substance abuser (prescription and non-prescription drug addict and alcoholic) to appropriate RTC and Inpatient treatment programs in and out of the city.

The holistic approach is affordable, realistic and extremely powerful with no contraindications.